Professional temp staff for dental practices in USA
Unlike traditional staffing agencies, we connect you directly with dental professionals

Over 100,000 dental practices
and 132,200 dental professionals
waiting for you
and 132,200 dental professionals
waiting for you
active users
dental offices
dental professionals
deals only in 2022
Dental staffing agency
What makes us different from the others?
At tempeak, we strive to meet the demand for dental staffing and position fulfillment! We offer a variety of simple staffing solutions that work best for your practice.

We provide qualified and professional personnel - dentists, hygienists, dental assistants, and lab technicians

Actively recruit thousand’s of talented dental professionals that are unable to see your job posts

We screen candidates and handle the time-consuming work, so that you can focus on hiring those who suit your needs best
Start registration now and see
what Tempeak can do for your business
Consider us as your partner - our best interest lies in connecting you with the employee(s) you are looking for. We are looking forward to working with you
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